A Wardley Mapping Canvas for Archi

Jörg Heitkötter (joke)
2 min readApr 24, 2018


Wardley maps are a “relatively new way” (Simon will have a good laugh at this), to improve a company’s situational awareness and strategic planning process — or as I would like to put it: Wardley maps are a great way to enhance the standard Enterprise Architecture modeling tool chain.

Wardley maps add the dimension of technology evolution over time, relative to a company’s value streams, a book on the subject matter is available under creative commons. Introductions on using Wardley maps are available in many places, including slideshare, YouTube has many of Simon Wardley’s talks — Google is your friend.

While I was toying with Archi’s Sketch mode to create a “Wardley map sketch using stickies”, I came across Benjamin Mosior’s Wardley mapping tools page, available at https://hiredthought.com/wardley-mapping/ and had a brief look at his latest development of a Wardley Mapping Canvas for RealTime Board.

Since I am currently modelling with Archi (version 4.2), I remembered it had a Business Model Canvas mode, so I looked at it, and re-implemented Ben’s Canvas in Archi. Here is the original, and an image of my development:

Benjamin Mosior’s canvas for use in ReadltimeBoard.
My implementation of Ben’s Wardley Mapping Canvas in Archi (version 4.2).

Revision 1 of the Wardley Mapping Canvas template for Archi has just been posted on the Archi Forum. Once I figured out how to use Arch 4.2 and the versioning of the Collaboration plug-in, I’ll maintain it on my GitHub account.

Ok, it’s here now: https://github.com/jheitkoetter/wardleymaps

Hope this is useful to anyone.

Have fun, -joke



Jörg Heitkötter (joke)

Internet Pioneer & Innovator. The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to Evolutionary Computation (1992), EFF's (Extended) Guide to the Internet (1993), etc.